
Quick Fixes For Your Garmin 245 Backlight Gesture Not Working Problem

Greg is an IT support specialist with over 15 years of experience troubleshooting a wide range of tech issues. He launched to share solutions with others in convenient, step-by-step guides. In his spare time, Greg enjoys learning about new devices and staying up to date on the latest operating...

What To Know

  • If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that there is a hardware issue with the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245.
  • Backlight gesture is a feature on Garmin watches that allows you to turn on the screen by waving your hand in front of the watch.
  • The backlight gesture uses a small sensor on the back of the watch to detect your hand movement.

Garmin is known for its high-quality products, but sometimes things can go wrong. If your Garmin 245 backlight gesture is not working, don’t worry – there are a few things you can do to fix it. In this article, we’ll show you what to do if your Garmin 245 backlight gesture stops working.

Garmin 245 Backlight Gesture Not Working

There could be several reasons why the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245 is not working. Here are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

1. Restart your Garmin: Sometimes, a simple restart can fix minor software glitches that may be causing the backlight gesture to malfunction. To restart your Garmin 245, press and hold the Power button until the device turns off. Then press and hold the Power button again to turn it back on.

2. Check the backlight settings: Make sure that the backlight gesture is enabled on your device. To do this, go to the Settings menu on your Garmin 245 and select “Backlight.” Make sure the “Backlight Gesture” option is turned on.

3. Calibrate the backlight gesture: It’s possible that the backlight gesture is not calibrated correctly, which can cause it to not work as intended. To calibrate the backlight gesture, go to the Settings menu on your Garmin 245 and select “Backlight.” Then, select “Backlight Gesture” and follow the instructions to calibrate the gesture.

4. Update your Garmin: Your Garmin 245 may have outdated software or firmware, which can cause the backlight gesture to malfunction. To update your Garmin, connect it to your computer using a USB cable. Then, open Garmin Express, which is the software used for updating Garmin devices. Garmin Express will automatically check for updates and prompt you to install any available updates.

5. Contact Garmin support: If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that there is a hardware issue with the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245. In this case, it’s best to contact Garmin support for further assistance. They will be able to help you troubleshoot the problem and provide any necessary repairs or replacements.

How Do I Troubleshoot My Garmin 245 Backlight Gesture?

  • 1. Check the backlight settings: Make sure your Garmin 245 backlight is set to the appropriate level.
  • 2. Clean the sensor: Use a soft cloth to clean the sensor on the back of the watch.
  • 3. Restart the watch: Restart the watch by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds.
  • 4. Update the firmware: Update the firmware to the latest version.
  • 5. Contact Garmin support: If none of the above solutions work, contact Garmin support for further assistance.

What Are The Possible Causes For The Backlight Gesture On My Garmin 245 Not Working?

Backlight gesture is a feature on Garmin watches that allows you to turn on the screen by waving your hand in front of the watch. This feature is useful in situations where you want to quickly check the time or other information on your watch, but you don’t want to press any buttons. If the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245 is not working, there are a few possible causes.

One possible cause is a software issue. Garmin releases software updates periodically to add new features and fix bugs. It’s possible that a recent update has caused the backlight gesture to stop working. To check for software updates, you can open the Garmin Connect app on your phone and go to the device settings for your watch. If there is a software update available, you can install it and see if that fixes the problem.

Another possible cause is a hardware issue. The backlight gesture uses a small sensor on the back of the watch to detect your hand movement. It’s possible that the sensor has become damaged and is no longer functioning properly. In this case, you may need to contact Garmin customer service for further assistance.

Finally, it’s possible that the backlight gesture is turned off in your watch settings. To check this, you can open the Garmin Connect app on your phone and go to the device settings for your watch. Under the “Display” section, you should see an option to enable or disable the backlight gesture. Make sure this setting is turned on if you want to use the backlight gesture.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

How Do I Reset My Garmin 245 Backlight Gesture?

To reset the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245, you can follow these steps:

1. Press and hold the Light button for 10 seconds.

2. Wait for the device to beep twice, indicating that it has reset the backlight gesture.

3. Release the Light button.

If you want to change the backlight gesture back to its original setting, you can follow these steps:

Please note that resetting the backlight gesture will delete all your custom settings, including backlight settings, backlight colors, and backlight patterns. If you want to keep these settings, you can back up your data before resetting the backlight gesture.

How Do I Change The Backlight Gesture On My Garmin 245?

To change the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245, you can follow these steps:

1. Press and hold the light button for 1-2 seconds to turn on the backlight.

2. When the backlight is on, swipe left or right to cycle through the different backlight gestures.

3. Press the light button again to select the desired backlight gesture.

4. To turn off the backlight, press and hold the light button for 1-2 seconds.

It’s important to note that changing the backlight gesture on your Garmin 245 will not affect the functionality of the watch. It will only change the way the backlight is activated.

How Can I Improve The Responsiveness Of My Garmin 245 Backlight Gesture?

To enhance the responsiveness of your Garmin 245 backlight gesture, you can try the following steps:

1. Clean the touchscreen: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the touchscreen to remove any dirt or debris that may be interfering with the backlight gesture.

2. Calibrate the touchscreen: Open the Garmin Connect app on your smartphone, go to “Settings,” and select “Touchscreen Calibration.” Follow the prompts to calibrate the touchscreen.

3. Adjust the sensitivity: In the Garmin Connect app, go to “Settings,” select “Display,” and adjust the touchscreen sensitivity. Lowering the sensitivity may help with responsiveness.

4. Restart the device: Press and hold the “Power” button until the Garmin logo appears, then release the button. The device will restart, which can help resolve any software glitches that may be affecting the backlight gesture.

5. Update the firmware: Connect your Garmin 245 to your computer using a USB cable, open the Garmin Express app, and ensure that your device has the latest firmware version installed.

6. Contact Garmin support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact Garmin support.


If your Garmin 245 backlight gesture is not working, there are a few simple steps you can take to try and fix it. First, try restarting your device. If that doesn’t work, try resetting your device. If neither of those solutions work, you may need to contact Garmin support for further assistance.

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Greg Clayton

Greg is an IT support specialist with over 15 years of experience troubleshooting a wide range of tech issues. He launched to share solutions with others in convenient, step-by-step guides. In his spare time, Greg enjoys learning about new devices and staying up to date on the latest operating systems and apps. He lives in California with his wife and two children, where he passes down his tech know-how while also picking up new tricks from the next generation of digital natives. Greg holds a degree in Computer Science and is A+ certified. In addition to running the site, he authors many of the hands-on tutorials and how-to articles to help users fix problems and get the most out of their devices.
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